How long does it take to heal a broken heart?

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According to a study published in 2007 in The Journal of Positive Psychology, [1], it takes 11 weeks for a person to feel more positive about their break-up.

Another study published in published in The Journal of Experimental social Psychology [2] says that the participant’s distress declined steadily over several weeks, just as they had predicted, and by the 10-week mark, they felt better.

So having all this in mind, it seems that you could feel a lot better yourself after about 10-11 weeks (or 70-80 days), which seems to be the time needed for healing a broken heart.

Of course, coping with the loss of a relationship may be one of the hardest things you ever have to do. Whether you were with the person for three months or thirty years, breakups can leave you feeling profoundly hurt, confused, and rejected. You won’t feel this way forever, though! You can heal your broken heart by working to move past the pain, taking good care of yourself, and developing a fulfilling social life.[3]

According to reliable resources mentioned above it takes:

~ 75 days, 0 hours, 0 mins, 0 secs

* The above data is an average value.

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