How long does it take for Emgality to work?

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Emgality (or Galcanezumab) is a humanized monoclonal antibody used for the prevention of migraine. It is also used for cluster headaches. [1] Cluster headache is a form of headache that produces extreme pain and tends to occur in clusters, often at the same time(s) of the day, for several weeks to months. The headaches are accompanied by symptoms that may include: bloodshot eyes, excessive tearing of the eyes, drooping of the eyelids, runny nose and/or nasal congestion and facial sweating. Some people experience restlessness and agitation. Cluster headache attacks may strike several times a day, generally lasting between 15 minutes and three hours.

When Emgality is administered to prevent migraine, it starts working within one month of initiation, but it may take up to five or six months for the full effects of Emgality to be seen.

When Emgality is administered for the treatment of cluster headache, it starts working within one week of starting treatment, but it may take up to three weeks for the full effects to be seen.[2]

The effectiveness of Emgality for the treatment of episodic cluster headache was demonstrated in a clinical trial that compared the drug to placebo in 106 patients. The trial measured the average number of cluster headaches per week for three weeks and compared the average changes from baseline in the Emgality and placebo groups. During the three-week period, patients taking Emgality experienced 8.7 fewer weekly cluster headache attacks than they did at baseline, compared to 5.2 fewer attacks for patients on placebo.[3]

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